How to fix WordPress Admin Password Reset?

Procedure to reset WordPress Admin Password:-

WordPress is a blogging site which was developed in 2003 with an idea to upgrade the work of typography of regular writing work and with fewer users than you can depend on your fingers and toes. From that point, it has emerged and become as the biggest self-recognized blogging site known so far, which is accessible to a large number of destinations and is widely used by many individuals inconsistency.

In the same way, it also allows to utilize it for anything ranging from your formula webpage to a well developed 500 site that too without paying any permit expenses. WordPress offers a friendly interface for the users to use and make the most out of it but still, there may be instances where the users may come across several technical glitches, for which WordPress has a provision of WordPress customer support For the users to get assistance.

Steps to reset WordPress Admin Password:-

Step 1
To change the password of your current WordPress the user first have to first go to the administration screen of your WordPress site.
Step 2
After that, the user has to go to the “menu” option and then you have to scroll down to click on the option “users” and further scroll down to select “all users” from the drop-down menu.
Step 3
Followed by the above step, now the user has to go the option “edit user screen” and then you have to scroll down to click on “new password” section and then scroll down to select option “m generate password”.
Step 4
After that, the user can change the automatically generated password, by writing the new password under the option “new password”. The user can know the strength of the password there itself .so you can choose accordingly.
Step 5
Now the user has to click on the option “update user” to update the new password generated.
Step 6
Finally, your new password will take effect instantly and hence the user will have to use the new password from that moment itself.

By following the above-mentioned steps any user can easily change the password, if still, any user comes across the same problem or any other technical problem then the user can contact WordPress technical support number, where the skilled technicians will resolve all the technical issues.they are specially trained against all the technical glitch that a user may come across while using WordPress.the helpline number is available 24/7 for the users to seek assistance. Any user who wants to reach out to the experts, they can get all the required contact details from the official website of WordPress.