How to resolve issue Apple safari not responding?

Apple Safari is one of the fastest web browsers which is widely utilized by the billions of users across the globe. Apple Safari is available for Windows and iOS devices. Apple Safari is well known for its error-free features but sometimes users face many technical errors while using it and not responding is one among those.

Are you using Apple Safari and suddenly it has stopped working? Then don’t be tensed. Read this article very carefully and learn the step by step instructions to fix your problem.

Turn off Apple Safari extensions

  • First of all, open your Safari and then go to the menu.

  • Select Preferences.

  • Now click on the Extensions icon and then select an extension from the list.

  • Now you must need to unchecked the box Enable to turn off thst extension.

Reset Apple Safari

  • First of all, open your Safari on any iOS device.

  • Click on the Safari.

  • Choose Reset Safari from the given options.

  • After that, a new dialog box will be appear with the several pops ups such as reset clear cache, clear history,clear all website data, remove all cookies.

  • Select the specific options by checked the box.

  • Click on the Reset to finish the process.

Does your Apple Safari still not working after apply the above mentioned instructions? Then you must need an effective technical assistance to resolve this problem. There are lots of ways to fix this problem and Apple Safari technical support is one among those, where you can get best in class assistance from the professionals. All professional are very trained and capable to fix multiple technical issues within a short span of time. Yo can get this support at 24/7 hours.